Sunday, November 6, 2011

First timer: Risotto ;)

First time and successful I can say...Risotto with red Bell-Peppers

Ingredients: (serves 4)
400gms Risotto rice
1 red pepper
1 1/2 Onion
2 Tablespoon Butter
Grated Parmesan cheese

Chop the onions and Bell peppers finely. Chop the garlic (mostly 2 portions of the whole garlic)

Wash the rice and keep aside

Heat a large pan (preferred: Large Saucepan) and add butter
Add Garlic...after it heats and turns yellow-brownish, add onions...

onions should turn pinkish and less shade of brown...

Then add Bell peppers, leave it to cook a bit.

After it cooks, add the rice and stir... then add water, just enough for the rice to cook.

Leave the rice and stir in between....Dont forget the salt before this step!!

After the rice is cooked properly (it becomes a little watery) add some black pepper powder...

Then the main part, according to your taste, calorie consciousness, add the grated Parmesan cheese and mix in the hot cooked risotto..

Later add some herbs- Oregano/ Basil/ Thyme etc....

Serve real hot, can be accompanied with good Garlic bread tooo!! I had a good time with friends having some awesome Risotto rice, do it too!

Cheers till next time ;)